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710 StickandRudder34  9.1 years ago

For some reason my new airplane loads on the runway sideways and the instruments are indicating the same. The cockpit is set on the plane properly.

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    No kidding. I like that plane and really didn't want to start over. @Skua

    9.1 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    @StickandRudder34 sweet, so long as it worked!

    9.1 years ago
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    What I ended up doing is taking the cockpit off and saving the plane as a sub assembly. I then went to "new aircraft" and inserted my plane as a sub assembly. Then all I had to do was rotate the plane to the given cockpit and attach it. All is good now.

    9.1 years ago
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    I'll try that. Thank you!

    9.1 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    This happened to one of my planes. I fixed it by taking the cockpit off, rotating it to compensate for the orientation issue, rotating the rest of the plane to match that, and then reattaching it. Uploading it to the site and then downloading a separate copy might help as well, I found that it reset the orientation of my bugged plane when I downloaded it on to a different machine.

    9.1 years ago