hello there.
Is there any way to lock missiles on spawned aircraft? I have tried to lock them but I couldn’t, so is there a way?
Thank you
300 TayCo
3.7 years ago
hello there.
Is there any way to lock missiles on spawned aircraft? I have tried to lock them but I couldn’t, so is there a way?
Thank you
@SovaWIFI Если вы закончили со своим самолетом, коснитесь меню, его значок состоит из трех линий, и коснитесь «Поделиться самолетом», затем введите имя и описание.
Подскажите . Как выставить свой самолёт или как его загрузить на сайт с платформы андроид
@INTERCEPTOR2021 oh yeah, the blue reticle means you can’t lock onto it. If you’re spawning the AI in at a Final Approach, then that’s what’s happening. To spawn stuff in the air with the ability to lock onto it, you gotta make a custom location in the air. To do that, just fly up to wherever you want, pause menu, go to locations, add a new location, name it whatever, and you’re good! From there, you should be able to spawn in whatever you want at this location. Have fun!
I mean after spawning them yourself @CenturyAerospace
I cant its blue not grey @CenturyAerospace
hehe, mussels
Activate the mussels with the weapons system, and then aim your plane at the other plane and it should lock on to them