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AeroKrak Flight 635- Cockpit Voice Recording

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  3.8 years ago

Note: CAP= Captain, COP= Copilot/ First Officer
Callsign: FREEDOM 635
CAP: Yeager Tower, over.
Yeager ATC: Freedom 635, this is Yeager Tower, what are you in for?
CAP: This is Freedom 635 for landing at Yeager Airport over.
Yeager ATC: Affirmative. Heading 177° northwest, reduce and maintain speed.
CAP: Decrease throttle.
COP: Ok.
CAP: Freedom 635 request clearance to FL70.
Yeager ATC: Freedom 635, cleared for FL70.
CAP: Cleared to altitude 7000ft, Freedom 635.
Yeager ATC: Communications to other traffic
Yeager ATC: Freedom 635, decrease altitude to 3000ft and heading 50 over.
CAP: Affirmative.
CAP: Looks like we are now ready for approach, can we change frequency?
Yeager ATC: Affirmative. Contact "Yeager Approach". Frequency 193.22. I repeat, 193.22.
CAP: Affirmative.
Yeager Approach: Freedom 635, this is Yeager Approach. Maintain speed. Your assigned runway is 27L.
CAP: runway 27L, Freedom 635.
CAP: Autopilot disengage.
CAP: Approach, is there an aircraft using the opposite runway?
Yeager Approach: Negative.
COP: Its so foggy.
CAP: Yeah.
CAP: Yeager Approach, weather information.
Yeager Approach: Winds 24kn WNW. Visibility is 400m. Weather showers.
CAP: Affirmative.
Yeager Approach: You are on final approach, Freedom 635.
GPWS: 500
GPWS: 400
GPWS: 300
GPWS: 200
GPWS: 100
GPWS: 50
GPWS: 40
GPWS: 30
GPWS: 20
GPWS: 10
CAP: Pull!
CAP: Engage thrust reversers.
Thrust reversers engaged
CAP: Aw shoot, why it won't stop?
CAP: Full brakes!
CAP: Aw, the brakes are jammed!
COP: Captain, Captain we gonna crash!
CAP: Approach, this is Freedom 635, request go around.
Yeager Approach: Freedom 635, you are cleared for go around.
CAP: TO/GA power! Nose up!
COP: I'm trying!
COP: Oh shoot, we are gonna crash.
CAP: Jesus.
COP: Captain! Captain!
CAP: Fck it!
Impact with hangar

End of recording