Is it possible to have 1 vtol engine powering multiple nozzles that use seperate inputs? And if that is not possible, how do I power individual nozzles with individual engines so I can have forward/reverse/left/right/lift without rotating nozzles?
This is for use in my UFO which currently uses regular jet engines to achieve this, it works well but I want it to work underwater so I'm remaking the propulsion system.
@Kimfri From my experience, 1 VTOL Engine will power all VTOL thrusters, you can have some thrusters set to pitch, some to roll, or yaw, and they will all be powered. You can add more VTOL engines with different power settings to change the power output of the thrusters, but you cannot have different engines power a set of thrusters
@NameLessCreature a helpful reply?
In normal english?
you can't do any of those