The Panther Tank Im making is still being worked on, and there are some more updates to it, The Hull Length is Fixed, added a Ball Turret at the front plate like most Panther A models, Added a Commander that can go in and out of the cupola, Muzzle Break shape and size fixed, Detail placements fixed and some other stuff.
@SimpleEngineering no no no its alright man, Don't feel bad man, nothings wrong here bud, We make the same vehicle and make it realistic as possible, that means reaching a point of similarities because of realism, so there is nothing bad about having a similar build
@CRATE52PART2 Oh damn, It really does, I kinda feel bad for making this now since it looks similar
Note: I am making this in mobile, so Part counts are limited to a certain extent, but I'll try to make it as good as possible
T , looks great so far! looks like my panther :D
Exactly 1k. Lemme make that 1001
looks neat!