I didn't know that paneling is very time and insanity consuming.
Now I know full well how those good looking build with epic paneling were made.
Paneling 60%
Landing gear 90%
Flight model 10%
Livery 0%
Funky tree 0%
I don't know how long it'll take but I'll definitely finish it.
Click here to go to the build!!!!
Those nozzles are serrated because I modeled it after "second stage engines" which is a newer engine for this fighter.
Also there is a limited source material for second stage engines so I take creative liberty here and there.
@Khanhlam same, magic fr
I guess lol.
Somehow i accidentally learned how to make proper stealth fighter body by looking at those pic:O
Is that magic?
Yes, it's SU-57 Felon, that's why I name this post as it is.
Is it a SU - 57 or similar plane?
@GuyFolk sure
Maybe tomorrow.
You can tag me in an unlisted post if I'm not responding in DC.
@GuyFolk Yep! i need help atm
I'm on DC but not everyday lol.
You still using the same DC account from the last time we talk?
Are you still online in discord tho? and nice
Indeed it is.
Still a long way for me to go.
You made those nice looking aircraft without paneling?
Kudos to you too.
Su-57 su-57 I know this
Can't wait PSM with my Fav Aircraft
i cant even panel so kudos to you
It's worth losing sanity for after all.
@GuyFolk yeah...that's why I tend to have no sanity these days,. and trust me, it an be fun at times
It takes a lot for me to be here so take your time.
I've been a avoiding stealthy looking plane until now.
Paneling = pain
Funky tree = other kind of pain
fml.... I love it!!
@Default4 @ZippyyThecat
You two will be tagged.
That's how I keep my sanity.
Actually it's a typo but I'll just leave it there.