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saya selalu gagal melakukan PSM karena kontrol pesawat ini sangat sulit dan menyebalkan seperti galuh, bagaimana cara untuk melakukannya dengan benar?
-pugachev's cobra
tahan throttle saat kecepatan di 500 sampai 600km/h
tahan rem dan pastikan hidung pesawat menghadap 90* dan harus menghadap keatas
lalu tahan pitch terus kebawah tapi jangan kebablasan atau nanti pesawat akan lost control
disarankan sampai hidung pesawat menghadap sedikit keatas (40*) lalu tahan keatas lagi sampai kamu merasa kontrolnya aman
kalau sudah lakukan lagi dan saya menyarankan melakukannya saat mp dan sedang dilihat plauer lain
-flat spin
tahan yaw maksimal 2 detik terserah mau belok kemana
jika pesawat turun naikkan hidungnya dan jika hidung pesawat naik lakukan sebaliknya
untuk menghentikan putaran kematian itu cukup tahan yaw kearah sebaliknya
biasanya hidung pesawat akan menghadap keatas atau kebawah, jika itu terjadi gunakan pitch dan tahan ke arah yang berlawanan
(simpelnya kalau pesawat menghadap keatas gunakan pitch turun dan kalau pesawat menghadap kebawah lakukan sebaliknya)
tahan pitch keatas sampai 90* lalu tahan pitch kebawah sampai pesawat bisa dikendalikan
I always fail to do PSM because the control of this plane is very difficult and annoying like galuh, how to do it properly?
this is how...
-pugachev's cobra
hold the throttle when the speed is at 500 to 600km/h
hold the brake and make sure the nose of the plane is facing 90* ??and must be facing up
then hold the pitch down but don't go too far or the plane will lose control
It is recommended that the nose of the plane is facing slightly upwards (40*) then hold it up again until you feel the control is safe
if you have done it again and I suggest doing it while mp and being seen by another player
-flat spin
hold yaw a maximum of 2 seconds depending on where you want to turn
if the plane goes down raise its nose and if the plane nose goes up do the opposite
to stop the death cycle just hold yaw in the opposite direction
usually the nose of the plane will be facing up or down, if that happens use pitch and hold in the opposite direction
(simply if the plane is facing up use pitch down and if the plane is facing down do the opposite)
hold the pitch up to 90* then hold the pitch down until the plane can be controlled
dead forum
@Fellex wait a few more days, it'll die for real