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[Idea] Customizable Armor

53 CMDR222  3.6 years ago

As mentioned in the title, Customizable Armor allows you to make armor to protect your creations from damage. If the remaining protection is still here after damage taken, then the creation itself won't be destroyed. likewise, if damage taken is more than the remaining protection of the armor then the armor itself will be destroyed and the bullet/missle/Slug(Sphere)/Bomb/Rocket itself will move on to the next layer of armor(if there is no more layers of armor then the creation itself will take damage or get destroyed).

Modifications that can be made to armor:
Increase Protection: up to + 5 but also increases the weight of said armor
Decrease Weight: up to - 5000 but also decreases the protection of said armor
Dead Weight: Self Explanatory

Types of Armor:
Reactive Armor: Protection per 5 pounds is 1.4 but consumes x fuel per second
Titanium Armor: Protection per 5 pounds is 1.1 and is heavy
Xenoium Armor: Protection per 5 pounds is 3.8 but very heavy and consumes a lot of fuel
Steel Armor: Protection per 5 pounds is 0.8, heavier than the iron armor.
Iron Armor: Basically your basic armor, 0.5 Protection per 5 pounds
Quisisium Armor: 14.4 Protection per 5 pounds but extremely Heavy, use them for ships.
Wooden Armor: 0.2 Protection per 5 pounds, Very Light, Can Burn.

P = Protection

D = Damage

P - D = remaining protection

Guns = 1.5 per hit
Anti Air missiles = 800
Bombs = 2500/5000/10000 respectively
Rockets = 300
Torps = N/A(80000-190000 Damage if used against ship armor or vehicles with armor)
Cannon = 300 x inch per inch(size of cannon)

Performance Screen:
Total Protection = average p of all armored parts x all armored parts
Average Protection = total protection / all armored parts

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    Use XML MOD
    And find health then change 100-999E+35 it will make all item or something last longer.

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    "joke" easter egg:
    flex tape armour (can be renamed to just "invincibility" or "invincible armor" as to avoid copyright), protects from everything and weighs basically nothing, it would only be accessed by setting it in XML (so the in-game "click to switch" would just cycle between reactive to wooden, but to access flextape armour/invincible armor you need to go in to XML and change it there)

    (yes, the flex tape meme is pretty dead but it's still comedy)

    +1 3.6 years ago