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Multiplayer For Next Big Update!!!

2,927 IMDABEST  9.1 years ago

Now that we have weapons like bombs and missiles and minimums I think it is almost safe to say the multiplayer is almost ready for this game! This would add so much more content and fun like dogfights and actually interacting in the game with each other. There could be a chat page whilst playing in multiplayer (no swearing/bad words/rude words, a part limit about 400 or less (may vary with different devices). A kick feature for hosts? (No trolls). A certain place/ island for flying around (not allowed past boundaries), no unlimited ocean but more land. Max player count of 4-6. LAN would be nice/ Private and public servers. More runways/ airports for more spawn places. Different Aims (group SAM challenge), (dogfight) and also bomb/missile targets? Air Hunger Games XD LOL. In game moderators in servers? What do you think? Put your ideas and POV in the comments...

I'll keep adding once I get more ideas


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    2,817 TheLastDayLP

    I think the "Player Count" should the Horst can adjust itself

    8.7 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28


    9.1 years ago
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    8,472 Doge27

    Air hunger games lol

    9.1 years ago
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    839 Sofa

    I remember seeing the devs talking about this on Steam discussions - something about the physics engine means multiplayer would be tricky to implement, and so they have no plans for it. Nevertheless, some sort of combat-oriented, multiplayer sandbox - maybe featuring two teams with a host of ground targets they must keep from being bombed by the other team - would be interesting, as players compete in an arms race to have the newest, baddest equipment.
    Also @UnstableOrbit I saw the video and I'm very much looking forward to it, but I'm especially excited for SimpleWarships.

    9.1 years ago
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    Hellfirekoder and I are already making a multiplayer mod.

    9.1 years ago
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    Pls put this idea into the game!!!!
    Ps. This is a great game and great games deserve great updates so slam that multiplayer into the game

    9.1 years ago
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    @IMDABEST I think it's a good idea

    9.1 years ago
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    2,927 IMDABEST

    Thanks @bobthetitan

    9.1 years ago
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    In time, I promise this will eventually happen when they are done with the mobile version and optimizing the game to its best.

    Anyways the're some nice ideas there. Cya in a online dogfight :D

    9.1 years ago
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    501 Aerobako

    Viper and nova topaz
    I agree with what your saying@ IMADABEST also bro check unstable orbits mod

    9.1 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    They haven't even finished 1.3 for mobile, on step at a time guys, coding is very time consuming and hard

    9.1 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    Well, unfortunately, for the longest period, the only form of multiplayer would be mod based, and it is far from ready to be released to the public. And yeah.

    9.1 years ago
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    Even if you just had the functionality to have a server host and multiple people in a persistent server in sandbox you could have a lot of fun whizzing around with other users and your friends (and maybe your enemies).

    There is the problem I have seen before where physics games have big issues with communication between devices due to the amount of processing that is going on. Kerbal Space Program has a mod that gives a good example of this, (Dark Multi-player) where the lag between a client and host can duplicate, teleport, destroy and often slingshot peoples vehicles around. Although that is a mod and not done by the developers of the game which is a good argument as to why it may be so buggy.

    And if your going to have servers you might also want to give the admin the opportunity of putting AI opponents and targets into the world, so people can work as a team to smash things together. Or race the fastest thing to ever exist.

    Server options might also include the ability to set stuff like:
    Weapons: on/off/restrict weapons, max aircraft parts, world boundary limit, Kick players with ping higher than: (Number), and so on.

    9.1 years ago
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    31.1k Spikerya


    9.1 years ago