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Buh bye nerds

9,389 Bluenose  3.7 years ago

Bye everyone! I am leaving SimplePlanes, this community was a really fun experience and I’ve tied up all my loose ends so I can leave with no drama, so uh, buh bye!

Oh yeah I should probably say why I’m leaving

Well I mean, The community has kinda gone to shit, I’ve said it time and time again but, for a game calledSimplePlanes it sure has way too much drama. I personally have stayed out of most of the bullshit because, you know, I have better things to do than to argue with nerds about a plane game, but sadly I have not been able to rise above it all, I’ve had some controversy and to all the people I’ve harmed I am deeply sorry. But back on topic about why I’m leaving, tbh I’m just tired of the game, I love recording little videos but I’ve been growing apart from SimplePlanes for quite some time now, (if that wasn’t evident from my lack of posts and their lack of quality and effort), so, I’m leaving the SimplePlanes website, I’ll still be on discord and I’ll still play SimplePlanes from time to time but I wouldn’t count on me coming back.

bye everyone!