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A cool mod idea I came up with

3,780 ThatKindaWeeb  3.5 years ago

Don't worry we'll work it out as we go

So here's my idea

I found some from a game called a
Dark Matter Reactor

Blah blah blah theoretical physics yadda yadda

Anyway, I have a idea to build a entire facility with a DMR inside it, placed in that little crater in wright isles and I want it to be big like... BIG big

•A comfy looking entrance
•A open top reactor chamber
•A big complex surrounding the chamber
•A heliport for evacuation helicopters and pick ups and drop offs etc (CH-47 Chinook's)
•A Runway and almost airport like ramp facing the south for twin and single engine planes only
•And most importantly,
Simulated Radiation

Now, what do I mean by "simulated radiation" well,
I imagine that the DMR would have a gun like the Destroyer escorting the uss beast inside it that would shoot invisible projectiles at your vehicle (assuming you aren't in between the reactor and the complex surrounding it) and as you got closer and closer, the fire rate of the gun would fire faster and faster (this is all assuming that it's possible to change the damage on the gun to 0.0001)

Now, the detonation.

What I imagine is that the DMR runs fin on its own, but if shot at it takes damage, here's the important part

•Boom 25 = 0.01-1.5
Will Cause:
-Complex = will only start a meltdown if hit 5 times
-Core = will have a 80% chance of detonating the core on impact however, a 20% chance of causing a meltdown (T-5 minutes)

•Boom 50 = 1.6 - 2.0 (anything above this would obviously destroy the reactor)

Will Cause:
-Complex 80% chance meltdown (T-10 minutes) 20% to immediately collapse the reactor
-Core (I'm pretty sure you all know what would happen if a 500+ lbs bomb was dropped on a Nuclear Reactor,
Let alone a Dark Matter Reactor)

•Rockets and guns

Explosion and damage scale
1.0 - 2.5 =nothing
2.6 - 3.5 = potential meltdown (10% chance)
Above 5.0 = 10 minute meltdown

What this will look like to the player

Impact from bombs
-Complex=Crater.png (lol)
-Core = a large orange-reddish spot on the chamber

Impact from rockets
-Complex=Same as bomb impact
-Core=Same as bomb impact

Impact from guns
-Core=a Tiny (relative to round size) Orange-red spot on the chamber

What happens to player

Well... Once the reactor actually goes off, the game forces a crash BUT five seconds before then you'll see a flash if you look towards the Wright Isles relative to your position. I intend the flash to be blank white like,
Blinding white almost.

I know this is impossible due to all the spaghetti code left in the game, this is just an idea I had and wanted to share with you.

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    @Suqingqing I could, but knowing how bad I am with math (I suck btw) it might not happen any time soon

    3.5 years ago
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    44.1k 1342791782

    You can also try to learn Unity yourself to make any MOD you want, I didn't stick with Unity until I saw other people make mods, and now I can make mods, of course, your ideas are good too

    3.5 years ago