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Thrust vectoring, (HELP ME PLZ / ME AJUDA PFV)

117 Abiansai  3.6 years ago

so, i'm trying to make a new jet with thrust vectoring (when the jet engine moves) , but when i try to turn my plane in low speeds, my plane start to spin like a bayblade, so, i just want to know if someone can help me to desactivate the engine rotors in low speed or, in low Throttle level

sorry for the bad english, i'm brazilian ;)

então, estou tentando fazer um novo jato com vetorização de empuxo (quando o motor a jato se move) , mas quando tento virar meu avião em baixas velocidades, meu avião começa a girar como um bayblade, então eu só quero saber se alguém pode me ajudar a desativar o rotores do motor em baixa velocidade ou, em baixo nível de aceleração.

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    1,426 Huax

    The full explanation is here.

    The plane’s stability is provided by the wing aerodynamics. It is determined by your wing load, position of CoL in relation to CoM, wing profile and especially IAS.

    As your speed is low, your plane’s stability decreases with IAS. It is generally ok since the force you can employ by control surface is also reduced, which is not the case with TVC.

    As your plane is less stable, but the TVC provides the same force, your plane can’t stabilize itself and starts to do this.

    In order to stop this, you must introduce a force to counterbalance it. In your case it must be TVC, since your aerodynamism is failed at low speed and you don’t have other forces under control.

    3.6 years ago
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    1,426 Huax

    as your rotator input, that would make it stop pitching automatically
    if things are going weird you can apply invert on the rotator

    3.6 years ago