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What how

1,124 Shelbysine  3.5 years ago

I know my dupont post which is just a highly altered and re-engineered Helleska isn't about to get more upvotes than my F-15 XY post :/

And I know they might not be much but like the comparison between the two. YET the lower quality one is getting more attention -_-

Also not complaining about upvotes^^^¥

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    1,124 Shelbysine

    Yeah I've been watching a lot of sp stuff and I'm planning to incorporate a lot into my next builds

    3.5 years ago
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    1,124 Shelbysine

    So.confusion. all I see is a long line in the middle

    3.5 years ago
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    1,124 Shelbysine

    @UnderScore blank reply?

    3.5 years ago