Like honestly though, why is it under a certain section in the aeroplanes tab.
It should be accessible on the top of every page like how every single other site has it. Having it in a more obvious spot might help lower repetitive questions in the forum aswell.
Can we put the "search" function of this website in a more obvious place?
236k jamesPLANESii
3.7 years ago
You can also find unlisted builds with the search bar.
All hail the search bar. It is all-seeing.
@WormWithLegs yes it is...
@WormWithLegs I understand
@FabioGalvao5679 Those are just ads to provide for the server costs of the website I think
and also when we search, several links appear that have nothing to do with the site itself, this should even change if possible.
btw the search in this game is from google, jundroo didn't make the actual searching part. they cant really "improve" the search but they should definitely move it
I think the far more important thing is an actual working search, the rest can wait
Plus, the search bar searches for forum posts, videos, and mods, not just planes. All the more reason to move it :v
If you want something to work perfectly ask Todd Howard @Anarchyy
I also want a search function that works, but that's not going to happen for a while, least time will tell.