Monster truck driver Scott Hartsock died when his truck got hit by a train. I don’t want to believe this, but it’s true. Scott started to do good this year. He has been driving since 1992! Before Goldberg, Team Meents, Maximum Destruction, and Max-D existed. Rest easy Scott
He was one of my favorites rip
Rest easy Scott theres stadium waitin for yah up there go wow the crowd Slinger we got it down here
For everybody wondering how he died cause I don’t wanna explain it a bunch of times:
He was with somebody else driving a tow truck hauling a semi truck at 5:30 in the morning. They crossed an unmarked railroad crossing and the semi truck got hit first. It’s very wooded and there may be a turn that made the train not visible. But yeah it’s weird
Rip Scott 😭
R.I.P. Technoblade
Its always the good 😞 @MrGreen
Too many good people die...
A famous dutch crime reporter got asassinated 10 days ago and died yesterday
I think there planning on adding a crossing. It would be stupid if they didn’t. @Dathcha
They should sue Amtrak for having a railroad crossing where you can’t see the train. @MonsterAvgeek
I pinned a comment explaining the whole think @MrSilverWolf
The way he died was very odd. He was in a tow truck, hauling a semi truck, at 5:30 am, and got hit by an Amtrak. @Dathcha
@Dathcha yeah
Well that sucks. @JuanAlt @MrSilverWolf
@MrSilverWolf ok....
@JuanAlt after talking to someone who drove trains, you’d be surprised
This guy alone had two people not see a mobile orange box a mile long, and T bone it
@Dathcha maybe the train came and hit it whe it was crossing, no one is that much fool to drive them in train tracks
His truck got hit by a train? Was he driving on train tracks or did one just come out of nowhere?