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Online multiplayer

535 8bean  9.3 years ago

I belive that online multiplayer lobbies could bring the simple planes community together and draw in more players. Players could build their planes and then go out into an open lobby where they could fly around freely and show off their creations to other players. The lobbies could be run by Game Center and could use the Game Center matchmaking to fly with people all over the world or with just your friends. Of course the Game Center would probably be device only but I'm pretty sure that their is a hosting service for players that use a computer. Overall I believe that this could be a fabulous feature. Opinions? Suggestions? Or whatever else? Feel free to leave a comment!

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    Why 😂😂😂😂🛬 I will be there in in a while but that was not the same as last run 🤣😂😂😂☺️😂 right now I am in the middle of a movie 🍿😄 hgh

    4.6 years ago
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    This Is not a rant, I am explaining how multiplayer would have to be added. The only problem is that this would take years to implement because of how Simple Planes runs, if you get too far from the center of the map, a seamless move of the origin close to you as long as you are moving. Simple Planes would also have to do some weird stuff with weather, day, and wind mechanics. There would have to be some sort of voting system that is implemented to set a time of day, wind type, and weather mechanic, or just out right removing that changeability of that, or even having "Hosts" that can change this. The origin would be the second problem, look at Roblox per se, if you get too far from the origin, gravity would mess up and physics becomes useless and the game unplayable. Since Simple Planes is a infinite world pretty much ( I have yet to come to the end of the world) It may take on mechanics like Minecraft or other large world multiplayer games. Simple planes has its own way that works flawlessly that bests all other games, but this would have to change if it were to have multiplayer. Yes it could move the origin for that single person, but that is very hard. There are AI that go around single player worlds, but they just unload when they are far enough away. There is also the cost of the servers, simple planes would probably have to up prices or have a fee to pay to play multiplayer. Roblox does have servers for the entire world (say Russians can play with eastern Americans) and that is how they don't have such expensive prices, only servers in one area, and not all over the world, much easier to maintain as well. Servers do still cost something, unless Simple Planes takes on a "host" mechanism where if you want to use servers they have, pay up, if you want to use your computer and a server, its free, and third party servers can be accepted, like Minecraft. But then you would need IP addresses or something of the such to join, because there would be no "public servers" so it would be like the multiplayer mod, but for all types of computers, including mine, a Mac. Read Below Text For Summary So the optimal one would be free for all, but that isn't really possible with how this works now. The realistic multiplayer would be, servers you pay for if you want big servers on small computers, third par

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison check this out!

    +2 7.4 years ago
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    well said

    7.4 years ago
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    is any1 hosting a public sever that any1 can join? if so pls send me the ip

    8.4 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    @HellFireKoder FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS HOW MULTIPLAYER WORKS. I hate it when ppl are saying "hurr durr add multiplayer" when they dont know that it requires dedicated reliable servers for EU, Asia, and US, and a lot of time and effort.

    9.3 years ago
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    Game Center implies that multiplayer would be coming to iOS, which it is not. Apple doesn't allow mods.

    +1 9.3 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    Guys enough with this, the devs know so stop asking.

    9.3 years ago
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    Me and @UnstableOrbit are working on a multiplayer mod, though "lobbies" are unlikely to make it in, because that would require I keep up a server that serves as a relay point, which cost money and/or can be unreliable.

    It does have it's own server executable that you can run on a PC, and to connect you just type in the IP address of the server/host.

    +1 9.3 years ago