So, I was experimenting with some custom missiles I made (which have 360* targeting angle and 0 lock time) when i noticed that I can't lock on one of my planes that the game randomly spawned in the AI traffic. It was being locked for less than half a second and the lock was being broken before I could fire a missile on it. What makes it even stranger is that I have designed that plane to look stealthy.
Does anyone know why does this happen?
Weapon only attack the main cockpit. So detachable method will works. Do like custom missiles theory. Detach your main cockpit safely and far away from target. They won't attacked by armed AI if they were out from reach. So technically you're inevitable.
o lmao
@BaconEggs And the drone is quite strong, it doesn't fall apart when I pull tens of G's on it.
@BaconEggs The game still shows the drone. After the lock breaks, the missile locks again but the lock again breaks and so on.
@DumbPlaneMaker the ingame radar doesnt display a marker for things that are blown up or in pieces so ur drone likely fell apart
thats at least my best guess its probably for a diff reason tbh
@BaconEggs Didn't understand. Can you please make it clearer?
from mp experience its usually if a few parts fall off or the whole thing splodes