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Winners of the Government Transport Challenge!

426k realSavageMan  3.6 years ago

First of all, my apologies that I did not get to announce the results of my challenge on time. I got bored on this game and haven't been playing lately, maybe I'll be back for a while...

Third Place

----S76 by @EnzoDiazUnofficial (11/20)

-Looking: 6/10. Looks cool, though the fuselage and letters could've been smoother.
-Functionality: 5/10. Helicopters in flight are not supposed to correct itself.

----Boeing C45V by @SyntheticL (13/20)

-Looking: 7/10. Very nice details and decals, while the flaps and tail stabilizer could've been more realistic if paneled.
-Functionality: 5/10. Takeoff and acceleration are way too fast.
-Extra: 1. I like the fact that it's from a fictional country.

----Bell 412 by @TatsuTheDemonLord (13/20)

-Looking: 5/10. Could've been smoother; all the doors are too thick.
-Functionality: 6/10. I like the fact that all doors do open, appreciate your effort. However, the flight model is not realistic, as helicopters in flight are not supposed to correct itself.
-Extra: 2. Again, appreciate your effort for the opening doors, and I like the starting sound of the main rotor which starts slowly.

Second Place

----INTEGRA by @TonnkatuTonnkatuThePig (16/20)

-Looking: 8/10. Very nice looking and realistic, would be better if it has some more interior details, but I ask no more.
-Functionality: 8/10. Feels great!

----Gulfstream C37B by @UsernameTH5 (16/20)

-Looking: 8/10. Nice details! I like the decals, wings, and reverse thrust mechanics. Windows appear a bit too large, in my opinion.
-Functionality: 8/10. Takeoff and acceleration feels all right, though there is too much drag that needs need to be decreased.

And......First Place!


----Litter by @oan124 (17/20)

-Looking: 7/10. I love it, especially the king up there.
-Functionality: 5/10. If it actually moves around on foot instead of by the small hidden wheels that'll be better. Also I'm not sure what AG1 really does.
-Extra: 5. CREATIVITY, period.


Prizes will be given shortly. Thank all of you for participation!

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    Like this one? Sure, wait till the end of this year lol

    3.6 years ago
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    144k Tonnkatu

    @realSavageMan sorry,i don't know moderncars like a tesla.
    how about 80's Japanese cars of one?(ex. 1st gen TOYOTA Vista)
    They are soooooo squared like a CYBERTRUCK.

    3.6 years ago
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    @TonnkatuTonnkatuThePig mmm... I'm not an expert on classical cars. I was actually more of thinking about the Tesla cybertruck, how does that sound

    3.6 years ago
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    144k Tonnkatu

    @realSavageMan you about "Horch930V cabriolet"?

    3.6 years ago
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    Well, I just built a twin otter recently and that is just too similar. How about military planes, jetliners, or cars? @TonnkatuTonnkatuThePig

    3.6 years ago
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    144k Tonnkatu

    "Do y’all want me to build something as a prize for you?"

    Can you make a "Kyokushin Air's BN-2"?

    3.6 years ago
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    Do y’all want me to build something as a prize for you?

    3.6 years ago
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    Are you still there? If you don’t respond within 24 hours, this gift opportunity from me will be waived, lol.

    3.6 years ago
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    Yeah okay good to hear lol. What do you want me to build?
    (Lol please let me build either an airliner or a Tesla jk)

    3.6 years ago
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    2,775 oan124

    OMG i was on a scout camp for the last 3 weeks, and thats a really nice thing to come back to. I never thought i'd win this. Tbh i mostly uploaded this entry for shits and giggles, to the point where i literally slapped together a project in like 2h and didnt even bother fixing the issue with ag1 (that acitvates parachutes and magnets i used for detailing)

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    17.4k Kangy

    @realSavageMan yeah true

    3.6 years ago
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    @Kangy well all those other ones have performance issues, or in other words I don't find them realistic. And no creativity, lol

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    17.4k Kangy

    Honestly that result is sorta shocking but nonetheless it's a good laugh.
    All these 1k parts builds being spacked by an ancient form of transport
    love it

    +3 3.6 years ago
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    2,006 Zynku

    Congrats winners

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    Maximum effort lmao

    +2 3.6 years ago
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    Congratulations for winning the challenge.

    Now as stated in the rules, you can now ask me do build anything upon your request.

    3.6 years ago
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    Your entries results are up. Congrats!

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    Your entries results are up.

    3.6 years ago