Hello and welcome to SPMP! (SimplePlanes Multiplayer). Here, we hang out in MP, show buidls, do events, and more!
If you want to be in the @Certified Member role, you must ask before granted the role, and must be at GOLD or above on the SP website or above. I've also given some privileges to this role that seperates the @Certified Member with @Members, For example, Manage Emojis and Stickers, Change Nickname, Priority Speaker (Like if y'all go on voice channels), and Use External Emojis.
that from now on, I will pick 1 person per 2 months after we get 6 more people (Or I can just entirely just not pick anyone).
Please join, the server is getting kinda quiet.
@TriStar Ya
Can you just chill in the server if you dont have MP?
@DripYeager So, I don't care, I'm the creator.