Hskskanebwjnanrhqjkal nwjkwjsjhwjejs kakajjsjsj ahajajvagahahs hahjajsjdjdkks jajajjssjj 1943 hahhajajabvs. Aggaqgga 1956.
Yes my boy, it has rotating turret now!
Also plz can anyone of you help me with the tracks and suspension?
Hskskanebwjnanrhqjkal nwjkwjsjhwjejs kakajjsjsj ahajajvagahahs hahjajsjdjdkks jajajjssjj 1943 hahhajajabvs. Aggaqgga 1956.
Yes my boy, it has rotating turret now!
Also plz can anyone of you help me with the tracks and suspension?
@DUCKBIRD ok, I am gonna eat u now.
@JuanNotAnAlt im not a human imma duck
U wanted to see something
@JuanNotAnAlt hmm
@DUCKBIRD nope, a tank inspired from M4 Sherman tank.
@JuanNotAnAlt ¯_(ツ)_/¯
That a E 100?
@PSsyalperdna doesn't mean I am an alt if I put the word alt behind my user name.
@PSsyalperdna ughhh, don't sue me. I am not an alt.
@Tookan yes g ü n
g u n
@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI thanks.
If it’s custom tracks I can try and help lol
@AN2Felllla thx VwV
oh wwww oh