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(The Krakabloan Democrat, Aug 1 2021) AeroKrak Flight Gone Missing

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  3.6 years ago

Welcome to the Krakabloan Democrat, the Supreme Minister's state owned newspaper.

Last night, an AeroKrak flight flight has disappeared. AeroKrak flight AK332 was operated by an a recently acquired 30 year old Boeing 767-200 with 205 passengers and 6 crew. The flight took off from Prosperity International Airport in Wright Town around 3pm and was scheduled to arrive in Manila around 5pm. 12 minutes into the flight, the co pilot reported that the aircraft pitching up excessively that it caused a stall, One hour later, the captain also said they encountered flight control problem and and 6 minutes later, the aircraft disappeared from radar and seconds later, communication with the aircraft was lost.

**KR-F51243, the ill fated aircraft, a week before it's disappearance.
After the disappearance, ATC staff at the airport called the Krakabloan Democratic Navy Marine Security Division, aware that the plane crashed on water. Meanwhile, KDNS Roblox, which was on patrol duty 45 miles to the northwest tip of the island, picked the alarm and raced to the suspected location where the aircraft disappeared. The KDA announced a bulletin earlier that search and rescue party is being sent to the area. AeroKrak announced that they are starting a search and diving operations with the Armed Forces and the Krakabloan Democratic Police Force to locate the wreckage, including the recorder, to recover the bodies and try to identify what happened in the flight's final moments if it crashed. As of now, the authorities are waiting for a report if a wreckage or a part of it is found that indicates that the aircraft has crashed.

Heil Hackdog!