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WOW: How to get points fast

1,667 hjonk  3.6 years ago

Step 1: DO NOT make an account.

So, I know that to get points you need an account, but hear me out. Hone your skills while you don’t have an account, and then when you have done that for a long time, that leads us to………

Step 2! Make an account
Make an account, make a forum, and write some cheesy “Im new here hi hello” post. You should get a few upvotes. Start a plane, make 1 teaser for a plane with smooth paneling on a custom cockpit, SAY IT IS NOT THAT GOOD, and say t for tag. (ps. Get a custom pfp)

Step 3. Post the plane.

Assuming you get a spotlight, you should get a million upvotes, and you are at least bronze. Make more for maybe silver.

Step 4. Support White Ranks

I don’t know why, but when a white rank get an upvote, that player will give you upvotes.

Step 5: Have an upload schedule and don’t get banned

Now you are gold! You are pretty well known and get a lot of upvotes and will soon be platinum.

Anyway, Cya, 🅱?itches

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    @KnightOfRen I mean...
    It’s not bad, it’s definitely better than some of your older creations, but I’ll admit it does seem to have more attention than one would imagine. Idk, I won’t elaborate further.

    3.6 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    @AWESOMENESS360 "more realistic amount"
    Lmao, kek, in what universe does this sh*t deserve 56 upvotes

    3.6 years ago
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    1,667 hjonk

    @AWESOMENESS360 ik who knightofren is I just don’t know the abbreviation

    3.6 years ago
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    1,967 Vastalen

    Just don't care about the points lol, it's just activity points

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    @hjonk abbreviation for a user here named KnightOfRen. They kinda abused the upvote system to get to platinum rank incredibly fast, by having all of their friends irl, on social media, or other means of communication, upvote their creations. Meaning they could make a shite plane in less than 20 minutes, but each shoddily done craft of theirs would score like 30 upvotes, regardless of the build quality. This ended up causing a helluva lot of drama, much of it the entire SP Community regrets, and I can’t imagine KoR doesn’t regret it either. Since then, he has since improved both his morals and his build quality, and typically gets a more realistic amount of upvotes on his posts.

    +3 3.6 years ago
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    1,667 hjonk

    @rexzion Im worry, but who is kor???

    3.6 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    lol just do what kor did and get plat in like 2 months

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    10.1k Advil

    It’s what I did. Got to silver on two builds.

    3.6 years ago
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    300 TayCo

    lol why @One2

    3.6 years ago
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    300 TayCo

    sometimes, my genius is almost frightening.

    3.6 years ago
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    This is actually pretty genius

    3.6 years ago
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    @VolcanicAsh bruv

    3.6 years ago
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    @hjonk boku

    3.6 years ago
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    1,667 hjonk

    @One2 be

    +1 3.6 years ago