@LightningTreeSavor The _ editor _.xml.bak backup file is overwritten every time you load into the level, but any other .bak file is only overwritten when saving the aircraft from the menu -> Save Aircraft dialog.
@LightningTreeSavor it's just a test, nothing much to worry, I have my works saved as Unlisted post, it's just a test as I said before and I don't use Windows :)
Backup files end with .xml.bak so you just need to rename it so that it ends with just .xml and then the game will show it in the Load Aircraft window.
@AndrewGarrison Are you there?
@AndrewGarrison ty. Can I turn overwriting off by adding a line to one of the settings related .xml files? If so which one?
@LightningTreeSavor The _ editor _.xml.bak backup file is overwritten every time you load into the level, but any other .bak file is only overwritten when saving the aircraft from the menu -> Save Aircraft dialog.
@LightningTreeSavor k
@JuanNotAnAlt the last question was for @AndrewGarrison
@LightningTreeSavor it's just a test, nothing much to worry, I have my works saved as Unlisted post, it's just a test as I said before and I don't use Windows :)
@AndrewGarrison am I right in what I said?
@JuanNotAnAlt I think the backup file is overwritten every time a plane is loaded into the level.
@LightningTreeSavor well I have my work as unlisted posts so nothing much to worry, it was just a test.
@JuanNotAnAlt are you running windows?
@JuanNotAnAlt set it to show known extensions.
@AndrewGarrison but it isn't working :(
@AndrewGarrison ok, will it work in mobile
Backup files end with .xml.bak so you just need to rename it so that it ends with just .xml and then the game will show it in the Load Aircraft window.