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My current ship fleet

4,729 Atoka220  3.5 years ago

Warning, long post ahead!

So I've been building some ships recently and they really turned out better than I expected. Seeing them getting better when looking back feels nice and somewhat makes me proud as I also got a way to put my part into the SP community

So I made this post to flex around a bit and also thank you for your support. It feels good when spending days or weeks on a build and getting positive feedback (every dedicated builder knows this feeling but hey)

So here they are with some backstories
The list is sorted by class then chronology

SS Rawalpindi

My very first ship build in the game
I wanted to try something 'smaller' that looks somewhat like a liner
So I remembered, there are some nice med sized 2 stack liners in the Silent Hunter subsim series but i only found silhouettes of this, so I went for it
This is based off the Rawalpindi class armed merchant cruiser
The community liked it and I got motivated to build more ships

HMS Arrabona

1 stack version, also in Silent Hunter 5
The name Arrabona is the ancient name of the city where my partner lives

HMHS Rawalpindi

It was just an idea of 'what if'
I kinda liked how it turned out and I shared it with the community, nothing more

MV Cap Arcona

A liner that I fell in love with when I learnt about it. I even posted a request to build it, but noone did, so I was like, LET'S DO IT M8
It was actually my second build, huge part count, my pc can't run it without moderate to severe lag, so I can't play with this beauty

Generic 40's german cruise ship

I was thinking of building the Wilhelm Gustloff but it woulda been too mutch of a hassle since I don't really like it, so I modified my Cap Arcona to a somewhat similar design. It was really just a low effort work, but some of you liked it

RMS Carpathia

Ah yes, the little Cunarder that skyrocketed out of nowhere
The community really stormed it and flooded me with spotlights and upvotes, surpassing 1000 downloads in the past week
The idea to build it came out of nowhere, and my gf was: Are you nuts?? lol
Probably my most beautiful and detailed build yet

RMS Oceanic

My latest build
I spent the longest time building this one from the list
I was looking for smaller liners to build (yes, smaller, while it's only barely 60m short of the Titanic itself)
After some weeks of thinking, I decided on this one, and I'm happy with the result, tho it could be better, but part count is already higher than Titanics stern in the final plunge lol

Just look at that sexy classic shape

If you read all this, thank you
All of these vessels can be found on my profile, go check them out