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358 Tuffbot  3.6 years ago

I’m working on an aircraft, and I’d like to have some smoke generators that emit as much as possible, but have little to no thrust. Is this possible?

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    358 Tuffbot

    What I’d really like, is a very big and noxious exhaust effect to be a chemical weapon on an aircraft I’m working on, or a fleet or aircraft. My “flagship” would have weapons that break all modern peace and weapons conventions, by having nuclear and chemical weapons. I also thought that for a “stealth” system to have a countermeasure triggered by throttle control would help to accomplish this, but even if that was possible, you can’t give the countermeasure infinite ammo, or be continually triggered. Or, can you? @VolcanicAsh

    3.6 years ago
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    358 Tuffbot

    I’m also trying to make a “sonic” weapon, but not sure how to setup the canon for such a task. I’m trying to make a weapon that is LOUD, but not damaging. It is for a stealth jet as a psychological weapon on civilian populations. Any suggestions? @VolcanicAsh

    3.6 years ago
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    connect the rocket to a detacher and disable it and connect the rocket to a fuselage
    Make sure the rocket is connected to detacher and fuselage at the same time

    3.6 years ago
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    Use "Rockets or flares/chaffs Cannon"
    Rockets smoke effect:
    The others idk

    3.6 years ago
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    26.7k Bryan5

    Use flares/chaffs

    3.6 years ago
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    358 Tuffbot

    I’ve looked at my options, and rockets work, but not theatric enough. Im trying (or would like) a smoke/chemical weapon emitter to use over populated areas, or to seed clouds, so optimally Id like dark smoke. The other challenge, is I work off of iOS. @VolcanicAsh

    +1 3.6 years ago