I want to release something for christmas, but I'm honestly conflicted. I still have to finish ace combat aircraft(CFA-44 and the Shinden), and there are other things as well, such as sub assembly parts for 1.2 and 1.3 users alike, and possibly a plan for christmas for the Lego micro-scale super space battleship I built IRL to be brought to Simple Planes as a working ship(still small scale, though), but like I said, I'm conflicted. If I make that for christmas, all other plans will have to be delayed, and I don't really want to delay the CFA-44 any longer, or the other builds that are going to be done. So I really want your opinion, is it ok if I delay things for a special christmas gift, or just make a small christmas gift and continue building AC and other aircraft?
@DeezDucks Ok >:)
@NovaTopaz I'm saying go ahead I think people will understand your situation :) Just make us a Christmas Surprise and continue with your awesome Ace Combat builds!
@DeezDucks Could you be more clear with that? Don't really know which one you chose :/ . Also, finally, someone comments!
Yeh sure go ahead