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How to control a mechanical helicopter rotor efficiently?

1,169 zwen  3.6 years ago

Hi everyone, I have been playing with the rotator a lot and decide to modify a lot of stuff with only the simplest parts. This means, rotators, fuselage, and wings. And that’s how I modified the Gator

While trying these, I had a question in mind about controlling the rotor system to pitch or roll the aircraft. One way is to add the input to the pitch of the blade. However I found it rather unstable and no rotational precession was observed. The other way is to add a hinge rotator to the root of the blade and tilt it upward to exert additional force. It worked out well and a precession of 90 degrees was observed.

My question though, is which of these two practices is correct and realistic? And why does SP physics provides two different results for the rotor? I’m not really familiar with the helicopter system overall. Thanks!

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    5,332 TheSeventh

    @zwen take a look on example here. Adding rotator on the root of the wing is best answer. Working custom rotor was so complicated to explain. I just use default helicopter parts as main powerplant and custom rotor as cosmetics.

    Pinned 3.6 years ago
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    16.5k edensk

    You would use funky trees so that each blade moves differently based on Pitch/Roll input and its position

    3.6 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    @TheSeventh So I’ve already made a working sample but just want to learn more about SP physics. I am particularly confused about the aerodynamic effects of a fast spinning wing as well as the rotator itself.

    3.6 years ago
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    5,332 TheSeventh

    You're talking about making the working custom rotor isn't? You might need to research a lot helicopter in this website.

    3.6 years ago