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Sorry for being AFK

49 ZilyBoy  3.5 years ago

I've just lost motivation, I failed as a builder. And I suck at it, ill go back to being a consumer of the game. To all the REAL builders, keep it up! I also just learned I might have COVID-19. So I'm sad and mad, have a nice day, night

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    49 ZilyBoy

    @jamesPLANESii okay.. thanks.

    3.5 years ago
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    Everyone starts out as an awful builder and get better. Nobody begins as a legendary builder. Even I sucked when I first started. Not to say your awful, you're alright, but with practice you get better. 😉

    Also, there's tones of people on this site and tbh when some low-activity person leaves, most people don't even notice. Infact, people don't even notice when a really active user leaves without announcing their departure. So don't worry about it if you need to take a break.

    3.5 years ago
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    don't worry about it

    3.5 years ago