We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
69.5k Chancey21
3.6 years ago
I am working on trailer videos right now @w101tdi
Is it done
AYYYYY you're here! @Awsomur
God save the queen
@Chancey21 they take eternity to load and my browser lags like h e l l
What do you mean? @KnightOfRen
ok whatever site you're using to image host, switch to discord, the images are destroyer my laptop lmfao
Me after looking at the images: Land Rover Defender
We shall fight in my left neighbors backyard
meh close enough lol @Chancey21
@ChrisPy I mean its true
a 90 is on the way too @KnightOfRen
*Land Rover @ChrisPy
oh no a range rover someone quick get the mechanic it could break down any second now! 😂
Ok Churchill
Defender 110?
Nice defender! Also T.
You are very active now
Very nice land sub
We shall never surrender
We shall fight in the Walmart parking lot
Is there still the pfp vs no-pfp war going on or something?