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Ok so sad news...

7,085 sam1333  3.6 years ago

Over in the U.S. we are all going back to school and well that means I'll be slightly inactive. I am going to try to do my best to keep up putting up planes but I'm not sure how often. I love to take pride of building my aircraft and make them accurate but as low part count as I can get for guys on mobile so I'm not sure how often I will get aircraft out or how long it will take me to make them. Pretty bummed about this, I've got 7 days left

Sorry guys

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    7,085 sam1333

    @Aviationfilms109 thanks man

    3.5 years ago
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    Low part count he says AND HIS LAST BUILD WAS 300 PARTS srsly tho impressive yet still pretty high part count amyways good luck in school fam

    +2 3.5 years ago