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I've been hurt...

3,780 ThatKindaWeeb  3.6 years ago

Hours ago I got compelled to make this

And all I have to say is that I'm disappointed about how hard criticism is on people who spend hours doing something they actually care about

I've spent 3 collective days on this one piece,

But it doesn't matter right? Because it's anime, and anime is cringe, right?

I've made more stuff but I'm afraid to show all of you because, I don't want to be yelled at anymore...

I wish I knew what I was doing was a good thing, I wish I could have people tell me "that looks cool" instead of "Ew, anime is for degenerates lol" and it's gotten to a point where I've been pushed away from social media because I can't take it, the criticism is too much, It hurts too much. And I want to be told that the hours that I spend doing this is ok, that it's ok,

But I'm never told that, So I tell myself..

"I'm okay"
"This is fine"
"Everything is fine"
"What your doing is worth something"

And it's funny how much I lie to myself,
How Pathetic...

None of this matters
I don't have a purpose
I am a degenerate nobody who's so ignorant, he thinks he can get away with no reprimand

Look at this

Looks pretty degenerate doesn't it, doesn't MATTER how long I've spent on it

I wish I could be told that what I'm doing is good, that I'm good, good at what I do, how good it looks...
I want help, but I can't have the help I want, I can't take much more of this, am I okay? I don't know anymore
I've been told to stop don't show people how much of a ** person you are, they'll hate you, told to keep going, you getting so good at this, your gonna be a showstopper.

Just, Please I need to feel OK with myself again, and I always felt OK as long as I lied to myself that what I was doing was right,
I mean, is something wrong with me? Because, I know I'm doing a bad thing in other people's eyes but I can't stop myself from doing it! That's how bad I want to feel good again, like I'm an addict!
There has to be something wrong with me!
What if I Apologize? Will that fix it?!
I don't know! I don't think it will, but there's nothing else I can do!
I want to know how to be a good person, I want to know how not to hate myself, please!
I'm fading, and all I want to know is that I'm okay..

Im... sorry you had to witness that, I just wanted people to see my thoughts on them criticizing my work, and that what people say has an impact an can greatly effect others if not said carefully. Maybe this picture of a cat will work as an apology...

I don't know anymore...

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    Thanks for the help guys, I feel alot better now

    Pinned 3.6 years ago
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    Please... someone say something good about what I do?

    Pinned 3.6 years ago
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    I'm sorry that people like that are jerks. I love manga and anime styles of art. you are very talented in you drawings and they are beautiful.

    1.9 years ago
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    @TriStar that's what I'd say to Twitter artists rn, I'd say
    "Just leave, this place is a lost cause."

    3.6 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    You expressed yourself in a creative manner, and thats all that matters really. If your audience is really that condescending and stuff, best thing to do would be to leave that community! Your art is awesome, and you really should keep on going and ignore the hate coming your way.

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    @ZWLenning ty, I will, assuming should I have another bout

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    9,177 ZWLenning

    (mate, if you need to vent at someone, dark_chilli_choccies#7069 - me - is available)
    may not know how to respond, but i will be listening

    3.6 years ago
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    So, as someone who has struggled with self-acceptance and acceptance from others, I can say I know exactly what your feeling. It's a maddening feeling of pain and hatred that you don't even know where to direct, so you point it at yourself. If people are being mean and bulling you then it feels like you must be doing something wrong, there must be something wrong with you.
    I'm going to guess by what your saying and what others are saying to you, that your around middle-school/high school. People in that age demographic generally suck, I know from first hand experience and I'm sure that you do as well, but don't (and I know this can be a hard ask) let people get to your head. It may take a while, but know that there opinions on your work isn't worthwhile if they are just being a**holes.
    I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks your art looks great, I'm someone that doesn't really care for anime (besides Gundam), but I can appreciate art when art is good. Don't give up, don't listen to them, I'd say just stick with your friend(s) and keep working and find communities of acceptance instead of listening to communities of hate.
    Sorry, I know that was long, I'm not sure it 100% makes sense, but reading what you felt like when writing this, the words you said, I remember saying and feeling very similar things. I'll admit that I'm still searching for a sense of self and someday's it's still hard to ignore hate and to not hate yourself, but you will overcome

    +2 3.6 years ago
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    9,320 Yoshimi

    What I've noticed, and I find this very intriguing and fascinating, is that "anime hate" does not exist. A lot of weebs say that it does, but it's just not true. Not on this website at least.

    Just to prove my point look at this comment section. You would expect anime hate comments on this forum post more than any other. Yet after reading all the comments I have not found a single comment that said something along the lines of "anime bad" in an insulting, hating manner.
    Also I, a weeb, personally don't experience any hate, merely because I like anime. And I make it no secret that I am a weeb.

    I don't know why weebs use this argument, and that is what I find so fascinating. It seems to just come out of nowhere. Do they use "they're just anime haters" as an excuse, wiping away valid criticism or hate on other things (like on their personality or attitude)? Is it because they feel insecure about liking anime? I have no clue.

    Curious to hear your thoughts on this take.
    I am the biggest, most massive weeb, so you can't just wipe my criticism away 😎

    +2 3.6 years ago
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    9,320 Yoshimi

    @Stickman based

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    9,320 Yoshimi

    @BaconAircraft I'm gonna shove a perspective line up your behind

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    107k GuyFolk

    I'm happy to hear that.
    Actually the strategy I suggest was a mix of Buddhism and Stoicism if you are interest.
    It help me a lot in life so I think it'll help you as well.

    3.6 years ago
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    @Defalt1 lol it's fine, I know the problem

    3.6 years ago
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    19.4k Defalt1

    Want to say something honest for the first artwork but probably the entire comment section will hate on me, The second artwork is really cool

    3.6 years ago
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    @GuyFolk pure therapist energy I swear. Lol, thanks for the support and especially the strategy I honestly have never considered before.

    3.6 years ago
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    107k GuyFolk

    Pain is temporally, art is eternal.
    But seriously, you'll know it is valid criticism when you see one, other than that it is just someone who want to feel better about themselves by stepping on other people.
    I know it's a pain to admit to myself that my hard work is flawed but that's the process of being better, there is no shame in that, it'll show how confident you are to not be bothered by the fact that you are flawed.
    I always view criticism as "if you criticize my work that's mean you interest in it" so I think you can always ask them for more information about the thing they criticize me for.
    And when you start discussing the flaw in your work, that's when you will receive some genuine advice or the fake criticism will fall apart.

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    @BaconAircraft lol

    3.6 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    Don’t mention it. Also, some pretty cool art.

    3.6 years ago
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    @Strucker kek lol. Ty

    3.6 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 it helps nonetheless

    3.6 years ago
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    Looks good. BTW, some manga sells more that the entire American comics combined IIRC.
    Ignore the haters & keep drawing.
    If you worry too much about whether your art is offensive or not you'll never draw anything again.

    3.6 years ago
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    21.8k Brendorkus

    I hate anime, that’s some nice talent you got there though. Just remember , it doesn’t matter what people think about you. You’re art is sick

    +2 3.6 years ago
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    As a fellow artist who seeks recognition in their work, I feel you. Just ignore them, they don’t matter anyway. From what I’ve learnt, stick to an audience that you know will praise you for your talent, if you can’t get approval and appreciation from another audience. Although that can be counterproductive in terms of spreading your work around so that more people see it.

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    I love your art, keep making it. Maybe you're just sharing it with the wrong people. Some people go out of their way to make you feel bad bc their opinion is different from yours. If you like making art keep doing it, if you like watching anime keep doing it. Even if others say it's bad or you're bad for doing it, if you enjoy it keep going!

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    There are definitely some people who hate anime. Im guessing they just think its all just the stuff you know what im talking about. @jamesPLANESii

    +1 3.6 years ago
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