On some vehicles when I try to spawn them in as AI my menu breaks and I'm forced to restart the game (I'm playing on the Android version). Basically when the AI spawns in I'm unable to close the AI spawn menu so I'm unable to play with that vehicle as an AI. So far I've found it always happens with the Martian Tripod here https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/4B6MK4/War-Of-The-Worlds-Martian-Tripod
And the Just Cause 4 heavy attack helicopter here https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/8409s6/Just-Cause-4-Black-Hand-Prospero-SH-1-Bloodhound-Siege
These vehicles work perfectly fine while I'm playing as them but spawning them in as AI (both aggressive and passive are broken)
I dont know your answer but I am having problems with spawning period I built a plane but every time I spawn either the engines/jets dont work or I spawn off the coast line far from the runway