With the appropriately clickbaitey title out of the way, many among you will have heard that
Balsa Flight Simulator, a game by the original developer of Kerbal Space Program, has recently entered early access. The game centres around the construction
and flight of model aeroplanes. Here are (in my view) some of the game’s advantages and disadvantages over SimplePlanes
•better physics
•improved graphics (in some cases)
•more customisable, better looking procedural wings
•a career mode
•better paint job system, including decals
•already vr compatible
•very few procedural parts
•limited number of parts (at the minute)
•requires a better computer
•no mobile support
•quite a few bugs (this is a beta, why am I complaining?)
•maps are quite small and look like something from Garry’s Mod
Bear in mind that the game is still in beta and all issues will likely change.
Do you think that Balsa is a threat to SimplePlanes’ popularity? Discuss in the comments.
Missed opportunity to call it salsa flight simulator
well.. now hear me out
you can't kill something that isn't quite alive
@WeebOfSimplePlanes idek, why do you think I am following you? Eh?
@JuanNotAnAlt why do you keep following me when Im commenting a random post?
@WeebOfSimplePlanes bruh how?
Drama has started
@jamesPLANESii pretty much
sp is poggers
Sp building tools are waaaaaaay better. Nuff said.
Lol it got canceled
@BaconEggs yeah, I can’t think of any other game where I can chase airplanes with a flying log stacker
sp is far too unique to be replaced by anything tbh
Android and iOS players will be still in this community bcuz the game is not available for these platforms, so......
I think SP is still better overall, but I think the Dev's might start sweating. I think that a SP2 might be in order at this point, although that would be a lot of work, but think about SimpleRockets 2 and it's success, and keep in mind that Simple Planes still has tons of players and fans that would certainly get a overhauled version of the original.
No, because Simpleplanes has weapons, a bigger map, and more things to build.