Lately I have seen some arguing and I'm not naming names about things that can be resolved easily. I hurts me to see people arguing about things and I think that we all should be friendly to each other even if you don't really like them as much. This is not what Simpleplanes community is about. To think people are not getting along this close to Christmas. We all need to be kind to each other.
yea @bobthetitan
@Flightsonic haha lol. Auto correct is very annoying sometimes.
@bobthetitan lol i was in the car typing, thinking my dumb auto correct did that (there have been more embarasing typos than that, lets not talk about that)
@Flightsonic I think you mean "patience" not "patients" lol
I agree
The update did this to us (JK) but seriously there's a thing called "patience" for a reason
yea agree
(Insert top hat and monocle)