If you have been keeping up with me, you know my house was in the wake of Hurricane Ida, I am fine and I am planning to post an updated version of my b-29, the thing is I forgot to mention that it might take a long time until I finish it because I have to pick up all the debris in my yard. I forgot if I mentioned this in my last post, but Ida was so bad, the City of New Orleans won’t have power for about a month because the main Entergy tower in NOLA(New Orleans, Louisiana) fell into the Mississippi River, so yeah, NOLA is screwed. Honestly I will never live in a big city like NOLA because:
1: The cost to live there is expensive especially in the French Quarter(you may say it is not because the houses are so terrible, that’s the thing, it is so expensive to live there and the fact that there is so much crime there compared to other cities like Baton Rouge, you don’t want to buy/build expensive houses because they will get looted more)
2: The roads there(especially in the French quarter) are so bad and narrow, it takes about 30 to get in and out of the city in heavy traffic and about 10 when it is not heavy traffic. Not only that, but because it is so narrow, it is a hard time for the police departments and fire trucks to just get to a building(and the past few times I have gone, I have heard at least one siren there)
3: It is just a dangerous place to live because of the fact that NOLA is actually below sea level, that’s right, last time I heard it was around 3 to 8 feet below sea level, because of that, they need levees to surround the city, and if the levees break, anyone who is not at least 3 stories above ground, you will get caught in the flood.
4: If you accidentally leave your car unlocked, or even pull out a dollar from your pocket trying to put it in your wallet, someone might see it and steal it from you