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How can I modify a rotor to work as an "electric" motor

1,668 LITVYAK013INDUSTRIES  3.6 years ago

I would like to know if someone could help me, know how to create a rotor that does not return to its original position, for example, if you activate a rotor with the VTOL or Trim lever, I do not want that when returning the lever to its place, the rotor also do it, instead, that it stays where it is, and if the same lever is moved below the average level, that it goes back, as if that rotor were for an "electric" car. Sorry for not knowing how to post a gift to be more specific.

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    Valuable info, thanks guys

    3.6 years ago
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    Try sum(input * speed) in the input thing in overload.
    Replace input with whatever you want to make the rotaor rotate, and replace speed with how fast you want it to go. For example:
    sum(VTOL * 5)
    Doing it like this gives the rotator an adjustable speed.

    +3 3.6 years ago
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    Use overload mod:
    Go to "InputControler", then change the "max" value to 999 or greater and change the "input" to Activate1 or Activate2 or greater.

    To activate them, use activation groups

    if the motor spins backward, just invert them.

    good luck

    +1 3.6 years ago