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I learned everything but not this

5,785 XiliamXD  3.5 years ago

Hello all ,

So my topic for today is that yep I am not posted anything at here
I have learned to Use the time , I have learned to be quick but not to loose hope or lose I my life!
So tomorrow is the last day for the season to end but I am not even able to make 100 point and I am one 2039 points.

Yep after loosing all hope I got reminded that there is someone how can heLp me and yep it's not just one person they r many

Those are my friends!

Not all friends are just unhelpful
All my friends can help so tomorrow I will do it and will be staying on challenger tier
There's no power that can stop me
Cuz 'there is a legend in everyone's heart but can't be felt until u be a unstopable!!

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    hey i looked at my last post 3 months ago and thanks for trying to help but its nothing bad i just had school and didn't have the time for games as much and ill follow you just for trying to help and keep up the great content

    3.5 years ago