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Bush plane help! (Part 1) Individual braking (left braking / right braking)

3,436 TailessAce  3.4 years ago

This has been a great struggle, espeacially for realistic builds. Many aviation enthusiast know about individual braking. This system has been used many times like WW2 planes and Bushplanes which required them to taxi and turn sharply using a free jointed tail wheel or skid. However, inputs only show "Yaw" inputs on the input page. I've tried looking this up with no avail. Many know that I'm working on a bushplane, roughly around a kitfox and a highlander. This plane is based on the STOL Drag at Reno, Highsierra, and where ever, so it would have to take off and land, then do a quick 180* spin. We've tried the pisto on stick method, but it would always break (never looked good any how), and are currently trying car engines.

Anybody that can help?

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    @FearlessAce Ikr?

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    @jamesPLANESii Thank so much, I wish that they would implement the braking input in Simple Planes.

    3.4 years ago
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    In my Super Cub I have airbrakes inside the wheels that activate when you're on the ground and using a lot of yaw. You can steal them if you like :)
    Just note they're made for quite a low cockpit position so you might have to adjust the funky tree formula a bit. It's pretty obvious which one Activates them below a certain altitude.

    3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    link to second

    3.4 years ago