Low points
1 S-13- it explode while pitching-5pts
2 F-10-Spins while pitching-5pts
3 0-19-Your build is freaking ugly as hell-4pts
4 F-68-Practest panellig you idiot!-7pts
Not so high points But great great performance
1 F-A-10a-Looks good but it did not go fast-15pts
2 AGX-10-Looks like The f 16-20pts
3Unnamed by MEHMEDOVICxINDUSTRIES-Has realistic landing gear-25pts
4 SF-38-SLOW-25pts
5 M-12P-W I D E-25pts
6 YH10C-Great cockpit but same freakin design as the AGX 10-29pts
7Delta strike fighter-Weird design-20 pts
SAAB jas 39-Awsome Sweding jet Keep it up
Thanks I guess
@BeastHunter (The good thing)i like the design it so weird.
(But the bad part)why the hell did you put the gun in the intake?!
@Highbraker What was good or bad about it?
@BeastHunter sorry i forgot yours get 20 points
What about the delta strike fighter? I thought I entered it in the challenge.