How to make a AI controlling Anti-Air Gun?
I tried make the cockpit rotate together with Mini-Guns or Cannons . But they don't fire .
Here's my funky code :
Roll -- (((TargetHeading - Heading) + (rate(TargetHeading) * (TargetDistance / 1500)))/ 180)
Pitch -- inverselerp(0,90,TargetElevation + (rate(TargetElevation) * (TargetDistance / 1500)))
My hinge rotators has range as 90 as code .
Please Help .
Ohhh i understand now
You musn't have the cockpit attached to the turret for AI
@SuperLJY you don't understand.
@Zue5s So impossible to make a AI controlling Anti-Air Gun ? Only AI-SAM works...
Ok @SuperLJY, you musn't have the cockpit rotate together with your turret.
Also, for maximun accuracy, you must have your cockpit close to your turret.