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What is Funky Trees?

1,090 carguy2007  3.4 years ago

Hello, I had been recently been asked a question along the lines of if I’ve ever used funky trees defense, What Is Funky Trees?

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    3,355 JustWingIt

    @SimpleAreospace Ah yes, I was trying to save my big brain reputation. That is what I meant, though.

    3.4 years ago
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    3,090 Fujisan

    @JustWingIt LOL

    3.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    @SimpleAreospace I was asked to water it down- I just said it can be used to change the properties of parts and gave a few examples. IK XML modding can be used for a variety of things, I just wasn't being specific.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    1,090 carguy2007

    Ooo, complicated sentences for the above average person, my favorite! @SimpleAreospace

    3.4 years ago
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    3,090 Fujisan

    @JustWingIt Not really. Funky Trees is mainly used to mean code that makes rotators or other parts do wierd stuff. Mainly, I have seen people make flak guns with proxy fuses, auto aiming CIWS (I made one, put it on a battleship, and am happy to say it was able to shoot down the missiles fired by the Beast's escorts), fly-by-wire, bombsights, and much more.

    3.4 years ago
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    3,090 Fujisan

    Funky Trees is a type of xml. It has been mainly interpreted to basically mean code that is mainly used to program rotators. The uses include but are not limited to: bombsights, fly-by-wire, automatic aiming CIWS, missiles, and the like. I have mailny used them to make the Firefly Scorpion with an automatic aiming system for the cannons and let's say it works quite well.

    I also made a prototype autoloader for custom shells, though it got too complex.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    1,090 carguy2007

    @JustWingIt Thank You!!

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    Funky Trees is a stupid name for an xml mod in simpleplanes. You can use the mod to change a part's properties. So like you could change its mass, drag, input control, fire rate (if it's a gun) ect. Yeah it uses a bunch of coding stuff and it's kind of hard to use for most people. If you play on a tablet, phone or ipad then you can use a mod simillar to funky trees called overload, which you can actually enable in the game. Go to the "mods" section on the title screen and enable it. It'll pop up in the plane designer in on the bottom near the play button. Keep in mind the interface is SO SMALL and you'll have to spend hours just to get your fat fingers to click what you want. Have fun! :)

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    1,090 carguy2007

    Thanks, @VolcanicAsh, can you explain it to the 0.05 sized brain me?

    3.4 years ago