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The Last Gunfighter

1,837 ZikkuHai  3.4 years ago

Hello there!

It's me Zik and I want to show the aircraft that I made a little while back, don't have the 'fictionalised' name yet but it's based off a F-8J Crusader

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"Oh look, a wall!"
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So anyways, time to answer bit of questions that nobody have asked yet but whatever:
Q: What's with those teasered aircraft found in your Bio?
A: I plan on uploading them sometime later, probably when I feel like it

Q: What are the aircraft that you want to do?
A: I kind of felt like making Cold War-ish planes recently, so except some aircraft from around this time period.

Q: Do you have Discord? If you do, where can I find you?
A: No clue why would anyone want to ask this but yes, I do have Discord! I can be found in Avalon Industries and SimplePlanes Builder's Chat Discords

Q: Are you an Ace Combat fan?
A: Well yes

I think that's about it, thanks for checking this post I guess.
Have a great day/night!