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The official simpleplanes iceberg

8,326 GabrielFangster70  3.3 years ago

Every good thing has to have an iceberg of it, meaning dad simpleplanes before then have a nice break for itself which many other games had at the time, so I looked at all of the stuff and decided to create an official SimplePlanes (and simplerockets and jundroo in general) iceberg. Which focuses on the topics related to SimplePlanes simplerockets or other stuff like that.

What is an iceberg?
Iceberg Tiers Parodies are usually images of an iceberg, captioned humorously so as to convey that the tip of the iceberg is the summation of the knowledge of most people, while the much larger submerged part of the iceberg is the sum of all knowledge of a particular topic. These parodies are often used in the context of imageboards like 4chan to ridicule outsiders, but they have also spread to fandoms.

It is unknown where the iceberg metaphor originates from in general usage. Sigmund Freud used an iceberg metaphor to describe the relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind,[1] and another academic named Edward T. Hall created the "Cultural Iceberg Model" as a way to discuss cultural differences.[2] The earliest known example of the iceberg metaphor being used as a parody image was uploaded to Imgur on May 31st, 2011, although it probably dates from sometime earlier than that. In the visible part of the iceberg are the logos for many popular web sites which are easily accessible via Google or URL, while below the waterline were different types of web sites that were only accessible by those who can access the deep web. The image has received over 150,000 views on Imgur,[3] and an associated Reddit post in the subreddit /r/askreddit received 161 points (74% upvoted).[4]
(source: know your meme)

Most iceberg tiers start from the top which lists all of the most popular and most of the things that people know already, and it’s like that all the way full the way to the bottom cumin disturbing creepy raven just unknown things are listed there. Mean that in a nutshell icebergs typically go from the top(most known) all the way to the bottom(Least known).

This iceberg was created by me, and it’s free to use in a video relating to the SimplePlanes iceberg (if you’re are going to make a SimplePlanes iceberg using this template and comment down below).

Note: If I forgot something to put on the iceberg then let me know in the comments below as well, they will be added on the simpleplanes iceberg 2.0 coming anytime after the release of simpleplanes vr,

If you are gonna make an iceberg video using this iceberg, then let me know.

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    @Gluck @MotherIFellAgain @Ryn176 @FeatherWing

    IMPORTANT: I will update the iceberg with the help of Mods.

    Pinned 8 months ago
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    I repeat this Note: If I forgot something to put on the iceberg then let me know in the comments below as well, they will be added on the simpleplanes iceberg 2.0 coming anytime after the release of simpleplanes vr,

    Pinned 3.3 years ago
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    I accidentslly deleted the original iceberg post, so that is why

    Pinned 3.3 years ago
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    Hey dude can you help me researching stuff on this iceberg?

    9 months ago
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    5,042 Gluck

    @Ryn176 If you fly back to Wright afterwards there'll be a code

    3.3 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    @Gluck yes there is a flying pyramid but all i remember that after destroying it, it just drops back down

    3.3 years ago
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    5,042 Gluck

    @Ryn176 didn't WNP add an Easter egg to advanced targeting mod or smth
    like it triggers the flying pyramid thing and then there's a whole bunch of other stuff happening afterwards
    I'm not schizophrenic I swear

    3.3 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    @Gluck what?

    3.3 years ago
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    5,042 Gluck

    isn't there that whole pile of nonsense with tv static, coordinates, etc leading to a secret message after you kill the pyramid boss

    3.3 years ago