I think a bendy fuselage part would open great opertunities in mechanical builds
(leaf springs too)
It would be cool if we can edit the strength and bendabilty of the part.
upvote if you agree.
I think a bendy fuselage part would open great opertunities in mechanical builds
(leaf springs too)
It would be cool if we can edit the strength and bendabilty of the part.
upvote if you agree.
that might be a bit too laggy but yes
hold my physics breaker @CenturyAerospace @z24zorpx4
@z24zorpx4 I would probably find a way to make the physics spaz out and crash the game
@z24zorpx4 lol probably
sounds like i could glitch it in fun ways.
Sounds too processor intensive
fuselage yogurt @BaconEggs
fuselage jello
bEndY beNdY BeNdY
@BaconEggs that would be cool too.
bungee cord