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How the new update will affect the community?

31.5k TunderTunder  3.5 years ago

So. Beta 1.11 is out, and raised a lot of excitement in the community of the game. Mastodons of the game, such as Kennneth, realSavageMan, jamesPLANESii, managed to assess the update, and showed us how functional and useful tools made developers. It's safe to say that the game and the community got a technical breakthrough.
Now let's talk about my concerns. Historically, the game has allowed you to build with cubes, with little functional parts.

As new updates came out, the quality of the builds improved. Also, since the XML modding revolution and FT, the builds have become, in a sense, smart.
BUT. Throughout the game's history, despite the popularity of sophisticated builds by experienced players, "little people," with small levels, also had barks, spotlights, and upvotes. Now, after simplifying the construction, adding cockpit parts and other things, the quality of the robot will equalize. In essence, we have reached the "boundary of quality", in our works. Further development is unlikely, and the projects will not have the zest that distinguished the good projects from each other. A similar situation arose with the community programming platform "Scratch", because at one time, the browser-based 2D engine created 3D games!

And now, there are monotonous crafts, platformers, memes. No one remembers a project that is more than a week old. It's the same with Roblox.
I do not want to say that the update is bad, and has a bad effect on the community, I just predict that the community will reach a "plateau", the boundary of the quality of buildings, and I do not know where the game should evolve.

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    3,370 JustWingIt

    Partcount goes down, build quality goes up, potatoes are happy, builders are happy.

    +4 3.5 years ago
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    Every game must run out of updates at some point. I can't envision any further major gamechangers like fuselage cutting. However, this community has managed to keep making great content for a year between updates. I don't think we'll get bored of it anytime soon.
    Besides, this update will allow users with lower end devices to produce great builds, and will make the learning curve a lot less steap for new guys.

    +2 3.5 years ago
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    8,762 BlunderBirb

    I kinda have to somewhat agree with you on this. Although it seems a bit elitist and shit and I genuinely love this update, the ease of access to things such as guages nav balls and part slicing does mean that someone who used to spend hours and hours for a single guage and then make a instrument panel with 30 or 40 of them is gonna be obsolete. Custom wings cockpits and landing gear bays are gonna be wayy more common place than before. But i genuinly think thats a step in the right direction. We will see more quality builds from people and thus setting the standerd even higher for what is considered a good build in the community.

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    2,303 Numbers2

    If you look at simpleplanes and how it was a few years back compared to today its changed for the better. I mean building is still a challenge like trying to make a helicopter if you have 0% experience building one like me, which im now attempting to build Airwolf. The new parts simplified building yes, but its the creative mind that matters its like if new lego pices came out and simplified building will people then stop building lego no ofc not cause it's their creative mind that uses those new parts to build bigger and better things @FlyingPatriot
    And you are totally correct @CoolPeach

    3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Well that’s partially due to a lack of significant updates, but I think your underestimating what is achievable with these new parts. It may become easier for a beginner to plop a bunch of dials on their plane, but the better players will be building better wings, fuselages, fully fledged cockpits and more. It’s naive to say that this the beginning of the end. @FlyingPatriot

    3.5 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    There has been less differences because we just weren’t getting big updates. Also looking at say a f-15 build that got 36 upvotes, that build would most likely get double, maybe even triple the upvotes a fee years ago. I think with this update will improve build maybe even as much as the last 2 years combined @FlyingPatriot

    3.5 years ago
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    31.5k TunderTunder

    @CoolPeach Compare buildings from two years ago. The differences are minimal. This is the beginning of the end.

    3.5 years ago
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    We’ll be seeing more builds come out!

    3.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    I actually think the opposite is true, this update opens the doors for so many new techniques and builds. Whilst overall building standards will increase, the better builders will use the new tools in interesting ways that will make their crafts better than ever. This isn’t a plateau, but a new horizon.

    +8 3.5 years ago
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    51.0k BeastHunter

    It will evolve through distinction. If everybody builds on the same level, they will have to start building different things to stay relevant. If the quality is the same, the product has to be different.

    +1 3.5 years ago