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Mobile/ios/android islands

340 LarySeeAircraft  3.4 years ago

This is really a question for the devs (or anyone that has info on the topic). Will Mobile/ios/android ever receive islands like Maywar, the Kraken (if you call that an island), and the Black Pearl (again if you call that an island)? I am not sure if this is because of performance issues or something else. Because I (as a mobile-only player) believe that it would add a lot more to the mobile version to have access to these islands and some of the easter eggs they include like the ancient alien ship on Maywar?

*edit i have just bean informed that the Brown Peral is in mobile but the point is still there for the rest

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    @jamesPLANESii oh thanks i thought it was only on PC like the rest i will make an edit in the post

    3.4 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    I really think they should add maywar to mobile. We have no desert type area or big flat areas to explore, and they already added it to pc so it should be very easy to add it to mobile. And to all the people who think it would be to laggy, it could have an option in setting to enable and disable it, like spawning an ai aircraft, or deleting them. Or how you can change whether the krakobola convoy spawns

    +2 3.4 years ago
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    The Black Pearl is on mobile. It's just very far away.

    +5 3.4 years ago