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Over spinning engines? How do I stop it!

105 Joh0042  9.1 years ago

I was just wonder how to stop over spinning engines. One one design, I've got the engines on the lowest they can go but they explode anyway! Help!

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    105 Joh0042

    Thanks so much, I have now fixed my design.

    9.1 years ago
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    Or if you have manual just on Throttle governor.

    9.1 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    Overspeeding is when the engine can't keep up with the airflow, so it usually happens in a steep dive, or if you attach a jet engine as well as props. Lowering your thrust is actually bad, because it slows the engine as well as the plane, so the problem stays. Your best bet is to pull up, if possible. If you've got manual propellor pitch control, you could try adjusting that too, but I don't usually use it so I can't speak to that much

    9.1 years ago
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    1,954 icecoldlava

    When flying, don't go all the way to 100 percent

    +1 9.1 years ago