Real (legal) images of Indian Artillery [Taken from my device]
i was visiting my new home (under-construction) and i got this wonderful 1970s-1990s Military weapons, in a nearby army training Area.
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The last one is of 19th century cannon.
I will try to built some of these in SP.
@JuanNotAnAlt Realy wait they are actually kept there as a showpeice and they were once in use. For your satisfication i have tank as an ecample, the army authority dis-assembled the useful parts from the main body such as guns, important turret parts, the engine and more parts of controll and left the body like that for the showpeice so that if one steals it, can't go for a war with it.
@xNotDumb ........ (me thinking how thats possible then realizing that its a joke) oooooooooooooh hahaha okay cool
@Robomo00119 no i exist in india from in parellel universe
@xNotDumb okay so i know its late but you live in India?
@Wibbley Thanks a trillion for your "Wow"!
Wow, very nice place
@JuanNotAnAlt Yeah!
@xNotDumb yeah ik that. Useful parts are taken away from the vehicle and then it's kept as an antique.
@One2 it is said that don't use phone while driving and so the car was was in speed of maybe 50kmph and so not clear
@One2 it's pretty decent to be honest and if you are talking about those equipment being crap I can say it's not true
@CC1010 hmmm sounds nice
I live in my dwelling too! @210100 @xNotDumb
@xNotDumb damm i live at a house
@Sergio666 Thanks Friend!
@210100 I live in my home XD
I couldn't take picture of a jeep due to speed of my car.
It was a jeep with air-to-air Rpg in its wind sheid.
Wait in its wind sheild?
@One2 I don't experience of taking pictures.
@210100 The place where i live is actually not a thing to reveal, and not any other things like my name, my face and my voice are not any thing to be revealed but i will keep them a secret till i reach platinum.
Wait a secound i think i was there alredy guys we know where not dumb lives
ok jk but nice idea