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SPVR oculus quest version questions

38.1k V  3.4 years ago

Will maywar be on quest?

Are there any part count limits?

Will you be able to download crafts from the quest built in browser / Firefox VR?

Will there be a way to easily transfer craft between quest And PC/mobile? As I don't wanna use up my 10 unlisted post limit just by testing something. (I know there's sidequest but it's cumbersome for just transferring a single file)

Will you be able to re-bind controls to different buttons/triggers?

Will challenges, races, and combat challenges be in SPVR?

Quest flight stick support? Bluetooth ones do exist, and the quest supports external controllers besides the ones it comes with

How will camera changing work? What will be classified as the main cockpit for VR players?

Deleted questions that were answered

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    38.1k V

    @LieutenantSOT trailer has multiple views in the gator 2, so I belive so, but I'll stick it in the forum post

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    One thing I've been curious about: will camera changing be a thing?

    3.4 years ago
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    8,475 SinisterARMS

    its literally sp only difference is you cant build and its vr

    3.4 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    they already said no making stuff in VR, the steering wheel part is just the grabby cylinder part but shaped into steering wheel

    +2 3.4 years ago
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    38.1k V


    Sorry, I hate pinging mods/devs, but some of this would be good to know, and account for. Perhaps an FAQ for when SPVR releases may be a good idea. Also, my recent forum posts arent showing up on the forums page for me, even though I can access them through my profile

    3.4 years ago