Hello everyone! I've decided to partner up with idontknow8b to make a fully functional atomic Ao Jun from war robots. We will both be releasing the aircraft. We aim to make this the most functional and best-looking Ao Jun on simpleplanes. The nucleon weapons are almost done and I will post them separately (as well as with the Ao Jun when I finish it) either today or tommorrow. All I can say is that the Ao Jun is still in the works, but I hope to get it done in the next week. I am also considering using some parts from ErickvCamilo21's post to make this the best we can.
Comment "N" to be tagged for the nucleon, "A" to be tagged for the Ao Jun, and "T" to be tagged for both. Press F to pay respects. What's you guy's favorite robots if you play WR?
@JustWingIt it was nearly impossible to get to when first released, pixonic now has the same model as wotb, release a new overpowered robot for a high price of like 50 dollars then nerf it into the ground then give it for those little puzzle peice things, im working on getting the behemoth but i went broke halfway through the production
@ManManTheWeaponsMan Really? I never really thought the Jaeger was pay to win. I don't think it's meta, but don't quote me on that. I just don't like to snipe. Weyland is pretty nice, though.
Weyland or Jaeger, but Jaeger is p2w sadly